Plan miasta Wahrenberg

Wahrenberg - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Soon back to work?

Well, the vacation is soon over and I'll be back in the office. The past days has been relaxing and well needed. As usual, getting up on monday will be a trick? Sleeping late everyday is not going to help. Let's see how it turns out? ...
źródło: BlogSearch

American bHotel/b Reopens | Freehold InJersey

The American bHotel/b was a restaurant/tavern and banquet hall when it closed for fire-code violations in January 2004. The three-story structure was built as a stagecoach stop in 1824 and enlarged in 1928. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

AMC - Blogs - Mad Men - Don Draper#39;s Influence and the Show#39;s b.../b

The Star-Ledger notes how the show succeeds without nudity: "Don and Betty's drunken foreplay in their bhotel/b room backed me up on that. It was a reminder of how powerful and erotic a scene can be even when the participants are (semi) ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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